One sign in predicting ovulation is to check your cervix (vagina) for cervical mucus (CM) (also called cervical fluid (CF)). Throughout your cycle these fluids will change in consistency. You should check for these changes daily to get an overall picture of your system to determine when you are ovulating.
The first part of your ovulation cycle (the follicular phase), just after your period, the consistency of your CM is usually dry. You should notice that there may not be any mucus or you may notice that it has a dry, crumbly texture. It will be thick and sticky and breaks very easily when stretched between your fingers. It shouldn't stretch further than about an inch ( a centimeter or two).
As estrogen levels begin to rise, your cervical fluid will usually start to become thinner. After a few days or so the texture will usually become more creamy like lotion. And yet still doesn't stretch very far, if at all.
Dry and creamy textures are considered hostile cervical mucus. This is because it is not friendly to sperm. Meaning the mucus around the cervix is too thick and acidic for sperm to penetrate.
The closer to ovulation the thinner your CM will become. You may notice that it becomes watery and clear. Though it can still be cloudy and/or white for some, which is totally normal.
Take note that watery CM is fertile cervical mucus. Start having sex when you detect watery fluids as sperm can survive and swim well in this type of ovulation discharge.
Cervical mucus during ovulation, and just before, becomes very stretchy and clear (and/or cloudy). At this time your luteinizing hormone (LH) is surging. You will notice your CM looks a lot like raw egg whites (EWCM). It can be stretched pretty far at this stage. It should stretch at least 3 inches (about 6 cm) or more.
EWCM is the most fertile type of cervical mucus. Once this is detected you are about to ovulate either that day or within the next few of days so it's time to have some baby-making fun. See here for getting pregnant positions.
Your cervical mucus after ovulation (during your luteal phase) will once again become dry, thick, and sticky, or nonexistent. And may also become creamy again. This is the part of your cycle that progesterone becomes the more dominant hormone.
It is completely normal to have more than one 'patch' of the most fertile ovulation discharge (either watery or egg white). And also note that you can have EWCM and still not ovulate.
That is why you should choose more than one method of ovulation prediction. Checking your cervical mucus and checking your basal body temperature ( BBT ) is a very good combination.
The ovulation mucus method will help you predict when you are about to ovulate. And, conversely, the BBT method will tell you when you have ovulated after the fact.
You may also wish to take a third method of checking for signs of ovulation just to be sure. I usually combine the above two with using ovulation predictor kits (OPK). Or you may like to try a fertility monitor. Whatever you are comfortable with and your budget allows.
To increase the amount of CM, which is vital if you plan to conceive, make sure you drink plenty of water. You may also want to try evening primrose oil to increase the quantity and quality of your CM naturally.
Continue to Cervical Mucus page 2: When to Check
Fertile Cervical Mucus vs Hostile Cervical Mucus | Cervical Mucus Changes at Conception and Ovulation | Cervical Position | Fertility Herbs | Ovulation Bleeding | Ovulation Pain | Most Fertile Days | Luteal Phase Defect | Ways to Increase Fertility Naturally |
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