Fertility Vitamins and Supplements
Your Key to Unlocking Many Fertility Issues

Switching to a healthy, well-rounded diet and supplementing with fertility vitamins while trying to conceive can have a very positive affect on your fertility and increase your chances of becoming pregnant. This is the key not only to prepare your body for pregnancy but to heal from many fertiity issues.


There are certain vitamin fertility supplements that that will help increase fertility and chances of a healthier pregnancy with less complications. (See list of fertility vitamins below)

Giving your body the nutrients it needs will help you to not only conceive but to conceive the healthiest baby possible.

It's important to know that every cell in your body will renew over time and will be replaced with new cells. This is happening all the time.

Knowing this means that you can work to change the fertility issues you have by making healthy choices now so you create healthy new cells.

Fertility vitamin deficiencies and unhealthy diets (such as eating fast foods and processed foods with chemical preservatives) can contribute many fertility problems such as:

  • inability to get pregnant
  • hormone imbalance
  • irregular periods and menstrual cycles
  • PMS
  • period cramps, bloating, etc.
  • miscarriages
  • endometriosis
  • PCOS
  • Fibroids
  • and more...

Whole food supplements are preferred because they provide a wide spectrum of nutrients necessary for healthy fertility including a broader spectrum of vitamins and minerals plus other nutrients such as enzymes which are necessary to break down and absorb the fertility vitamins so they can actually be used by the body, and so on.

If you can, try to stay away from synthetic vitamins which are not as healthy as whole food supplements. You can tell the difference between them by reading the ingredients list on the label. Whole food fertility supplements will list foods, plants, and herbs rather than list of vitamins.

Synthetic vitamins are not an exact replica of real vitamins found in plants because vitamins cannot be exclusively extracted and made available. Because they are only a close assimilation of vitamins found in nature they will act very similar in the body to real vitamins you get from eating plants (fruits and vegetables, etc.) but it's the parts that are not quite the same that can cause problems and can actually be toxic to the body.

So your best bet for increasing fertility is to eat a well-balanced diet with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and healthy oils such as olive oil (all preferably raw and organic and oils should not be homogenized). And fill any gaps in your fertility diet with whole food supplementation for maximum benefit.

This is one of the best whole food fertility supplements that I have been able to find. It is full of ultra healthy green vegetables, nutritive herbs, and super foods and much more. Get more information on Fertilica Ultra Greens, you can't get better fertility nutrition than that. One way to use the Ultra Greens powder is to add it to smoothies for a super nutrient rich drink your body is craving.

A List of Fertility Vitamins and Minerals

This is a list of certain vitamins that have been shown to help with fertility and problems associated with difficulty in getting pregnant. Many women who have had trouble getting pregnant have become pregnant starting and implementing a healthy diet routine and supplementing with fertility vitamins and whole food fertility supplements. And of course organic supplements are best. That way you don't get any chemicals that can disrupt the endocrine system.

Folic acid

Helps to prevent birth defects. Folic acid supplement is recommended by the U.S. CDC (Center for Disease Control). It is essential that you start taking folic acid as soon as you decide to TTC (Try(ing)To Conceive) preferably sooner.

It is recommended that you take it all through your reproductive years (one reason is unplanned pregnancies) because the sooner you take it the better it's effectiveness in preventing birth defects. Read more on folic acid supplements here.

Vitamin B6 (called the luteal phase vitamin)

Also called the women's vitamin, B6 has many positive effects on women's problems. Such as luteal phase defect, PMS, PID, and morning sickness just to name a few.

Taking extra b6 through through whole food supplements can have a tremendous effect on increasing fertility in general and especially in women who have problems with endometriosis, recurrent miscarriages, and so on.

Vitamin B12

B12 works synergisticly with folic acid (B9), B6, and other B vitamins. That means it works together with other vitamins to improve their effectiveness. So if you are taking B6 and folic acid to improve your fertility then you want to also take B12.

B12 helps with the formation of red blood cells and DNA. DNA problems have been associated with infertility and miscarriages. increases blood flow to vital organs including reproductive organs which will improve fertility.

Vitamin B12 has been shown to improve ovulation problems, promote healthy endometrial lining to assist in the implantation process lower instances of miscarriage and . helps regulate hormones so for more regular cycles.



Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Vitamin A


Essential Fatty Acids




PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid)


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